Control file structure in Oracle Apps
Select decode (column_id, 1, ' ', ' , ') || rpad (column_name, 33, ' ') || decode (data_type, 'VARCHAR2', 'CHAR NULLIF ('||column_name||'=BLANKS)', 'FLOAT', 'DECIMAL EXTERNAL NULLIF('||column_name||'=BLANKS)', 'NUMBER', decode (data_precision, 0, 'INTEGER EXTERNAL NULLIF ('||column_name|| '=BLANKS)', decode (data_scale, 0, 'INTEGER EXTERNAL NULLIF ('|| column_name||'=BLANKS)', 'DECIMAL EXTERNAL NULLIF ('|| column_name||'=BLANKS)')), 'DATE', 'DATE "mm/dd/yy" NULLIF ('|| column_name||'=BLANKS)', null) from all_tab_columns where table_name = upper ('$LOADTABLE') and owner = upper ('$SCHEMA') order by column_id;
- In the $LOADTABLE pass the table to which you want to SQL the data
- In the $SCHEMA pass the schema in which the table is located.