Important queries for the concurrent programs

Important queries for the concurrent programs,

Qquery to find the responsibilities to which the request is been assigned

    FROM fnd_responsibility_tl
   WHERE responsibility_id IN
            (SELECT responsibility_id
               FROM fnd_responsibility_vl
              WHERE request_group_id IN
                       (SELECT request_group_id
                          FROM fnd_request_group_units
                         WHERE request_unit_id =
                                  (SELECT DISTINCT concurrent_program_id
                                     FROM fnd_concurrent_programs_tl
                                    WHERE user_concurrent_program_name =
                    AND end_date IS NULL)
ORDER BY responsibility_name

Query to find the application name

SELECT * FROM fnd_application "application name"
WHERE application_id IN (SELECT application_id
FROM fnd_request_group_units
request_unit_id=(SELECT DISTINCT concurrent_program_id
FROM fnd_concurrent_programs_tl
WHERE user_concurrent_program_name=:Concurrent_Program_name))

Query to find the concurrent program short name
FROM fnd_concurrent_programs
WHERE concurrent_program_id=(SELECT DISTINCT concurrent_program_id
FROM fnd_concurrent_programs_tl
WHERE user_concurrent_program_name=:Concurrent_Program_name)

Query to find the execution file name for the request

FROM fnd_executables
WHERE executable_id=(SELECT executable_id
FROM fnd_concurrent_programs
WHERE concurrent_program_id=(SELECT DISTINCT concurrent_program_id
FROM fnd_concurrent_programs_tl
WHERE user_concurrent_program_name=:Concurrent_Program_name))

Query to find the requests groups

SELECT * FROM fnd_request_groups "requests groups"
WHERE request_group_id IN (SELECT request_group_id
FROM fnd_request_group_units
request_unit_id=(SELECT DISTINCT concurrent_program_id
FROM fnd_concurrent_programs_tl
WHERE user_concurrent_program_name=:Concurrent_Program_name))

Query for identifying if it is a child process

FROM fnd_concurrent_requests
WHERE parent_request_id IS NOT NULL
AND program_application_id = 20003
AND concurrent_program_id =
(SELECT DISTINCT concurrent_program_id
FROM fnd_concurrent_programs_tl
WHERE user_concurrent_program_name LIKE

Query to fetch concurrent programs in a request set
Query to fetch all concurrent program in pending status
Query to fetch users assigned to a responsibility
Delete the concurrent programs from the application


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