CSS PLSQL Interview Questions
CSS PL/SQL Interview Questions
- Tell me about your self
- What is index?
- How does index form internally?
- What are pseudo columns?
- What are exceptions? How to handle expections in PL/SQL?
- Explain about exception propagation?
- What is autonomous transaction?
- What is trigger? Have you ever used it?
- Define view
- Can we update a view?(what are the conditions)?
- if I have created view from two tables by taking all the columns in the table now is it possible to update that view?
- then I have to compulsory update that view how to do that?
- What is instead of triggers?
- what is syntax of case?
- Difference between procedure and functions?
- What is a package and what are its advantages?
- What are the Sqlca structure elements?
- select duplicate records from a emp table?
- Select Nth maximum salary from emp table?
- Why PL/SQL
- Why package?
- Why Triggers while you are having Constraints
- Types of Triggers and Mutating Triggers
- Examples for statement level and row level triggers
- Bulk-fetch and bulk binding
- What are the options that you use while pre-compiling a Pro*C program and why?
- All about cursors
- What is the need of Error Handling in PL/SQL and how will you do it
- Write queries for deletion of duplicate records and nth max salary
- Search and Replace in UNIX
- Find syntax
- Grep syntax
- Copy all the fields from the result of ls –l command into different host variables and insert them into a database object
- Describe materialized view
- I/O redirection
- Why Locks and different types of locks
- Autonomous transaction
- Referential Constraint
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