IBM PLSQL Interview Questions
IBM PLSQL Interview Questions
- Tell me about your project and client
- What is difference between procedure and function?
- Difference truncate and delete
- Can we use where condition with truncate
- Can you explain the truncate and delete with trigger
- Can we use truncate and delete command to disable the referential integrity constraint
- How did you export the data from database to excel file
- How many types of functions in UTL_FILE package
- What function you are using to load the data in UTL_FILE package
- How many types of trigger
- How many max triggers you will declare
- What is instead of trigger?
- We have two duplicate rows, how will you delete only one row
- How will you display rownum?
- What is implicit and explicit cursor?
- What is exception?
- How many types of exception
- Can we have more than one exception?
- What are predefined exceptions?
- Do you know TOO_MANY ROWS, when that exception will occur and NO_DATA FOUND
- How to catch any type of exception
- Can we commit in trigger
- What is autonomous transaction?
- What is view
- Can we delete a record in view
- Can we delete a record more than one table
- Can we write trigger on view
- Do you have use any debugging tool
- Do you know global variable, difference between global variable and parameter variable?
- Do you know about cascading triggers