LOGICA PLSQL Interview Questions
LOGICA PL/SQL Interview Questions
- What is your daily activites in project?
- What is sga?
- What is pga?
- What is tablespace?
- What is extent clause in tablespace?
- What is datasets?
- What is datablocks?
- What is temparery table?
- Which sitivation are you worked temparery table?
- What are the datatypes in sql?
- What are the char datatypes?
- Diff b/w char & varchar2?
- What is timestamp returns?default size of timestamp?
- What is defaults timestamp format like 12 or 24?
- Do you know any character datatype without char,varchar2?
- Do you know any number datatype without number & integer?
- Tell me some pl/sql datatypes?
- Do you have create table column's with boolean datatype?
- Why boolean datatype is not possible to create a table column?
- What is data modeling?
- What is constraint? What are types of constraints?
- Diff b/w primary key & unique key?
- What are the master & detail table?
- Which will fire first constraint or trigger?
- Which format are you used build a sql query?
- What is blob/bfile?
- What is clob?
- What is the use of timestamp in select statements?
- Which datatype does not allows 'null' values?
- Diff b/w whare,having & group by clause?
- What is row fragmentation?
- Can you drop all columns in a table used alter command?
- Can you modify a null column to not null column, if table has some data?
- What are functions there in sql?
- What is lower(),upper(),& initcap()?
- What are the substr() & instr()?
- What are date functions?
- what is the conversion functions?
- what is diff b/w nvl,nvl2,&nullif()?
- diff b/w rank() & dense_rank()?
- what is er modeling?
- what is join? Types of joins?what is outer join?
- what is psudeo columns?
- what is in_line view's?
- what is window clause?
- diff b/w exist & in?
- what is sequence? Can you alter startwith clause?
- can you create synonym same name of object?
- diff b/w view and synonym?
- Second round interview questions
- can you create synonym on procedure,package,functions?
- what is index? Types of indexes?
- can you create index on index?
- what is raise_statement? How to declate it?
- what is dbms_utility?
- can you use out parameter in functions?
- what is pragma_autonomous_tranctions?
- which sitivation you have used utl_file packages?
- how to improvee performence?
- hot to debugg your code?
- what are the majer step's you are consider in explain?
- why are used m_views?
- do you know utl_smtp?
- what is collections & types of collections?
- can you use varchar datatye in indexed_by_table?
- can you use collection method types in functions?
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