Salary Rate : The rate of pay associated with a grade or step. Used by Grade/Step Progression.
Scheduled Enrollment : A benefits plan enrollment that takes place during a predefined enrollment period. Scheduled enrollments can be administrative, or open.
Search by Date : An SSHR sub-function used to search for a Person by Hire date, Application date, Job posting date or search by a Training event date.
Secondment : The temporary transfer of an employee to a different business group.
Security Group : Security groups enable HRMS users to partition data by Business Group. Only used for Security Groups Enabled security.
Security Groups Enabled : Formerly known as Cross Business Group Responsibility security. This security model uses security groups and enables you to link one responsibility to many Business Groups.
Security Profile : Security profiles control access to organizations, positions and employee and applicant records with in the Business Group. System administrators use them in defining users' responsibilities.
Self Appraisal : Part of the Appraisal function. This is an appraisal undertaken by an employee to rate their own performance and competencies.
Separation Category : Separation category groups the leaving reasons. HRMSi refers to Termination Category as Separation Category.
Site Visitor : (iRecruitment) A person who navigates to the iRecruitment web site and may view job postings. This person has not yet registered or logged in to the iRecruitment system. This individual may search for postings on the web site and also has the ability to log in or register with the iRecruitment site.
SMP : Statutory Maternity Pay is an employee benefit, part of the provision of parental leave in the United Kingdom.
Social Insurance Number (SIN) : A unique number provided by Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC) to each person commencing employment in Canada. The number consists of 9 digits in the following format (###-###-###).
Source Deductions Return (TP 1015.3) : A Ministere du Revenu du Quebec form which each employee must complete. This form is used by the employee to reduce his or her taxable income at source by claiming eligible credits and also provides payroll with such important information as current address, birth date, and SIN.These credits determine the amount of provincial tax to withhold from the employee's wages.
Special Information Types : Categories of personal information, such as skills, that you define in the Personal Analysis key flexfield.
Special Run : The first run of a recurring element in a payroll period is its normal run. Subsequent runs in the same period are called special runs. When you define recurring elements you specify Yes or No for special run processing.
SSHR : Oracle Self-Service Human Resources. An HR management system using an intranet and web browser to deliver functionality to employees and their managers.
Statutory Sick Pay : Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) is paid by their employer to all employees who normally pay National Insurance contributions (NIC), often referred to as earning above the Lower Earnings Limit (LEL) if they are sick for a period longer than 4 consecutive days but less than 28 weeks. The first 3 days of sickness are called waiting days. SSP is not paid to a number of categories of employees, including:
· Those over the age of 65.
· Those who are paid less than the national insurance lower earnings limit (£95.00 in 2009/10).[3]
· New employees who have not done any work under the contract of employment.
· Pregnant employees in receipt of Maternity Allowance or Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP)
· Employees recently in receipt of Social Security Benefits (within the last 57 days).
· Prisoners.
· Employees on strike.
If the individual is unable to work due to medical reasons for longer than the 28 weeks, entitlement to SSP ceases, but the person may be entitled to Employment and Support Allowance.
SSP Qualifying Pattern : In the UK, an SSP qualifying pattern is a series of qualifying days that may be repeated weekly, monthly or some other frequency. Each week in a pattern must include at least one qualifying day. Qualifying days are the only days for which Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) can be paid, and you define SSP qualifying patterns for all the employees in your organization so that their entitlement to SSP can be calculated.
Standard HRMS Security : The standard security model. Using this security model you must log on as a different user to see a different Business Group.
Standard Link : Recurring elements with standard links have their element entries automatically created for all employees whose assignment components match the link.
Statement of Commissions and Expenses for Source Deduction Purposes (TP1015.R.13.1) : A Ministere du Revenu du Quebec form which allows an employee who is paid partly or entirely by commissions to pay a constant percentage of income tax based on his or her estimated commissions for the year, less allowable business expenses.
Statement of Earnings (SOE) : A summary of the calculated earnings and deductions for an assignment in a payroll period.
Statement of Remuneration and Expenses (TD1X) : In Canada, the Statement of Remuneration and Expenses allows an employee who is paid partly or entirely by commission to pay a constant percentage of income tax, based on his or her estimated income for the year, less business-related expenses.
Statutory Adoption Pay : In the UK, Statutory Adoption Pay (SAP) is payable to a person of either sex with whom a child is, or is expected to be, placed for adoption under UK law.
Statutory Maternity Pay : In the UK, you pay Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) to female employees who take time off work to have a baby, providing they meet the statutory requirements set out in the legislation for SMP.
Statutory Sick Pay : In the UK, you pay Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) to employees who are off work for four or more days because they are sick, providing they meet the statutory requirements set out in the legislation for SSP.
Statutory Paternity Pay : In the UK, Statutory Paternity Pay Birth (SPP is payable to a person supporting the mother at the time of birth. In cases of adoption, the primary carer receives Statutory Adoption Pay, while the secondary carer receives Statutory Paternity Pay Adoption (SPPA).
Student Employee : A student who is following a work-study program. Student employees have HRMS person records (of system type Employee) so that you can include them in your payroll.
Succession Planning : An SSHR function which enables a manager to prepare a succession plan.
Suitability Matching : An SSHR function which enables a manager to compare and rank a persons competencies.
Superannuation Guarantee : An Australian system whereby employers are required to contribute a percentage of an eligible employee's earnings to a superannuation fund to provide for their retirement.
Supplier : An internal or external organization providing contingent workers for an organization. Typically suppliers are employment or recruitment agencies.
Supporting Objective : An objective aligned with another objective. Supporting objectives contribute to the achievement of the objectives they support.