Task Flows : A sequence of windows linked by buttons to take you through the steps required to complete a task, such as hiring a new recruit. System administrators can create task flows to meet the needs of groups of users.
Tax Point : The date from which tax becomes payable.
Template Letter : Form letter or skeleton letter that acts as the basis for creating mail merge letters. The template letter contains the standard text, and also contains field codes, which are replaced by data from the application during the mail merge process.
Terminating Employees : You terminate an employee when he or she leaves your organization. Information about the employee remains on the system but all current assignments are ended.
Termination Category : When employees leave an enterprise, the decision is either made by the employee or by the enterprise. When the decision is made by the employee the termination is Voluntary. When the decision is made by the enterprise, the termination is Involuntary.DBI for HRMS uses a formula to determine which category each termination belongs to, based on the associated leaving reason. HRMSi elsewhere refers to Termination Category as Separation Category.
Termination Date : DBI for HRMS uses this term to specifically refer to the employee's most recent termination date prior to the effective date.
Termination Rule : Specifies when entries of an element should close down for an employee who leaves your enterprise. You can define that entries end on the employee's actual termination date or remain open until a final processing date.
Tips : An SSHR user assistance component that provides information about a field.
Total Compensation Statement : A module to communicate compensations, rewards, and benefits to employees and contingent workers.
Transaction Type : In AME, an integrating application may divide its transactions into several categories, where each category requires a distinct set of approval rules. Each set of rules is a transaction type. Different transaction types can use the same attribute name to represent values that the application fetches from different places. This enables several transaction types to share approval rules, thus facilitating a uniform approval policy across multiple transaction types.
Transcentive : A third-party compensation management solutions provider, that provides additional information about benefits choices.
Unit Standard : A nationally registered document that describes a standard of performance. The standard is typically defined and maintained by industry representatives.
Unit Standard Competency : A competency that is defined in a Unit Standard and linked to a Qualifications Framework qualification.
Upload : The process of transferring the data from a spreadsheet on your desktop, created using Web ADI, back to the Oracle HRMS application.
User Assistance Components :SSHR online help comprising tips and instructions.
User Balances: Users can create, update and delete their own balances, including dimensions and balance feeds.
User Profile Options: Features that allow system administrators and users to tailor Oracle HRMS to their exact requirements.
User-based Security: With this type of security, the application generates the security permissions for a current user when that user logs on to a system. The system uses the security profile (can be position, supervisor, or organization-based, for example) to generate security permissions for the current user, for example, based on the user's position. An alternative to user-based security is a security profile with defined security rules, for example, to specify that the top-level position for a position-based security profile is Position A, irrespective of the current user's position.
View: An example of an interface that you can use to download data from the Oracle HRMS application to a spreadsheet using Web ADI.
Viewer (SSHR): A person with view only access to an appraisal. An appraising manager or an employee in a 360 Degree Self appraisal can appoint view only access to an appraisal.
Viewer (Web ADI): A desktop application, such as a spreadsheet or word processing tool, that you use to view the data downloaded from Oracle HRMS via Web ADI.
Voluntary: Term used in turnover to describe employees who have ceased employment with the enterprise of their own accord, for example, by resigning.
Waiting Days: In the UK, statutory Sick Pay is not payable for the first three qualifying days in period of incapacity for work (PIW), which are called waiting days. They are not necessarily the same as the first three days of sickness, as waiting days can be carried forward from a previous PIW if the linking interval between the two PIWs is less than 56 days.
WCB Account Number: In Canada, this is the account number of the provincially administered Workers' Compensation Board that the employer would use to make remittances. There would be a unique number for each of the provincially controlled boards i.e. Workplace Safety & Insurance Board of Ontario, CSST, etc.
Work Choices: Also known as Work Preferences, Deployment Factors, or Work Factors. These can affect a person's capacity to be deployed within an enterprise, such willingness to travel or relocate. You can hold work choices at both job and position level, or at person level.
Worker: An employee or a contingent workerIn DBI for HRMS workers are employees and contingent workers who report to the selected manager.
Workers' Compensation Board: In Canada, this is a provincially governed legislative body which provides benefits to employees upon injury, disability, or death while performing the duties of the employer. Workers' Compensation Board premiums are paid entirely by the employer.
Workflow: An Oracle application which uses charts to manage approval processes and in addition is used in SSHR to configure display values of sections within a web page and instructions.
Workforce Measurement Type (WMT): Groups of different units combined to measure the workforce. The most common units are headcount and full time equivalent.
Workforce Measurement Value (WMV): A WMT value, for example, headcount or FTE.
Workforce Performance Management: The Oracle HRMS functions that support enterprise-directed objective setting, management, and assessment.
Work Structures: The fundamental definitions of organizations, jobs, positions, grades, payrolls and other employee groups within your enterprise that provide the framework for defining the work assignments of your employees.