Key Performance Indicator (KPI) : Target values that you set for the performance of your enterprise. This value comes from the corresponding KPI Portlet/Report. You can configure the Performance Management Framework to send a notification when actual performance falls short of, or exceeds, the target value. For example, you may configure the Performance Management Framework to send you a notification when workforce variance is greater than 10 percent, or when training success is below 50 percent.
Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Portlet/Report : Displays the executive summary of key measures such as total headcount and total salary.
Layout : Indicates the columns to be displayed in a spreadsheet or Word document created using Web ADI.
Learning Management : Oracle's enterprise learning management system that administers online and offline educational content.
Leave Loading : In Australia, an additional percentage amount of the annual leave paid that is paid to the employee.
Leaver's Statement : In the UK, this Records detail of Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) paid during a previous employment (issued as form SSP1L) which is used to calculate a new employee's entitlement to SSP. If a new employee falls sick, and the last date that SSP was paid for under the previous employment is less than eight calendar weeks before the first day of the PIW for the current sickness, the maximum liability for SSP is reduced by the number of weeks of SSP shown on the statement.
Legal Employer : A business in Australia that employs people and has registered with the Australian Tax Office as a Group Employer.
Legal Entity : A legal entity represents the designated legal employer for all employment-related activities. The legal authorities in a country recognize this organization as a separate employer.
Life Event : A significant change in a person's life that results in a change in eligibility or ineligibility for a benefit.
Life Event Collision : A situation in which the impacts from multiple life events on participation eligibility, enrollability, level of coverage or activity rates conflict with each other.
Life Event Enrollment : A benefits plan enrollment that is prompted by a life event occurring at any time during the plan year.
Linked PIWs : In the UK, these are linked periods of incapacity for work that are treated as one to calculate an employee's entitlement to Statutory Sick Pay (SSP). A period of incapacity for work (PIW) links to an earlier PIW if it is separated by less than the linking interval. A linked PIW can be up to three years long.
Linking Interval : In the UK, this is the number of days that separate two periods of incapacity for work. If a period of incapacity for work (PIW) is separated from a previous PIW by less than the linking interval, they are treated as one PIW according to the legislation for entitlement to Statutory Sick Pay (SSP). An employee can only receive SSP for the maximum number of weeks defined in the legislation for one PIW.
LMSS : Line Manager Self Service. A predefined SSHR responsibility.
Long Service Leave : Leave with pay granted to employees of a particular employer after a prescribed period of service or employment with that employer.
Lookup Types : Categories of information, such as nationality, address type and tax type, that have a limited list of valid values. You can define your own Lookup Types, and you can add values to some predefined Lookup Types.
Lower Earnings Limit (LEL) : In the UK, this is the minimum average weekly amount an employee must earn to pay National Insurance contributions. Employees who do not earn enough to pay National Insurance cannot receive Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) or Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP).
Manager : (iRecruitment) A manager accesses the iRecruitment system to document their hiring needs and conduct their recruiting activities online. Specifically, these activities include vacancy definition, searching for candidates, and processing applicants through the vacancy process.DBI for HRMS counts a person as a manager if they supervise assignments (directly or through subordinates) for which the total headcount value is greater than zero at the effective date.
Manager-Employee Appraisal : Part of the Appraisal function. A manager appraisal of an employee. However, an appraising manager does not have to be a manager.
Mapping : If you are bringing in data from a text file to Oracle HRMS using a spreadsheet created in Web ADI, you need to map the columns in the text file to the application's tables and columns.
Maternity Pay Period : In the UK, this is the period for which Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) is paid. It may start at any time from the start of the 11th week before the expected week of confinement and can continue for up to 18 weeks. The start date is usually agreed with the employee, but can start at any time up to the birth. An employee is not eligible to SMP for any week in which she works or for any other reason for ineligibility, defined by the legislation for SMP.
Medicare Levy : An amount payable by most taxpayers in Australia to cover some of the cost of the public health system.
Menus : You set up your own navigation menus, to suit the needs of different users.
My Account : (iRecruitment) My Account is the total of either a candidate or applicant's personal and vacancy- specific information including the information needed to manage their progress through the recruitment process.
NACHA : National Automated Clearing House Association. This is the US system for making direct deposit payments to employees.
National Identifier : This is the alphanumeric code that is used to uniquely identify a person within their country. It is often used for taxation purposes. For example, in the US it is the Social Security Number, in Italy it is the Fiscal Code, and in New Zealand it is the IRD Number.
National Occupational Classification (NOC) code : In Canada, the National Occupational Classification (NOC) System was developed to best reflect the type of work performed by employees. Occupations are grouped in terms of particular tasks, duties and responsibilities. The use of this standardized system ensures consistency of data from year to year within the same company as well as between companies. These codes are used in the Employment Equity Report.
Net Accrual Calculation : The rule that defines which element entries add to or subtract from a plan's accrual amount to give net entitlement.
Net Entitlement : The amount of unused paid time off an employee has available in an accrual plan at any given point in time.
Nonrecurring Elements : Elements that process for one payroll period only unless you make a new entry for an employee.
North American Industrial Classification (NAIC) code : The North American Industrial Classification system (NAICs) was developed jointly by the US, Canada and Mexico to provide comparability in statistics regarding business activity across North America. The NAIC replaces the US Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system, and is used in the Employment Equity Report.
Not in Program Plan : A benefit plan that you define outside of a program.
Objective Assessment Template : The entity that configures the Objectives section of the appraisal.
Objectives Library : A collection of reusable objectives. HR Professionals can either create individual objectives in the Objectives Library or import them from an external source.
Off-Boarding : Descriptive term covering all HR processes and procedures involved in removing a worker from your organization, including termination, relocation, and long-term sickness.
OLM : Oracle Learning Management.
On-Boarding : Descriptive term covering all HR processes and procedures involved in hiring and integrating a worker in your organization, including recruitment, hiring, and orientation.
Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) : Analysis of data that reveals business trends and statistics that are not immediately visible in operational data.
Online Transactional Processing (OLTP) : The storage of data from day-to-day business transactions into the database that contains operational data.
Open Enrollment : A type of scheduled enrollment in which participants can enroll in or alter elections in one or more benefits plans.
Options : A level of coverage for a participant's election, such as Employee Only for a medical plan, or 2x Salary for a life insurance plan.
Oracle Fast Formula : Formulas are generic expressions of calculations or comparisons you want to repeat with different input values. With Oracle Fast Formula you can write formulas using English words and basic mathematical functions. The output of Fast Formulas is fed back into reports.
Organization : A required component of employee assignments. You can define as many organizations as you want within your Business Group. Organizations can be internal, such as departments, or external, such as recruitment agencies. You can structure your organizations into organizational hierarchies for reporting purposes and for system access control.
Organization Manager Hierarchy : An HRMS structure that contains supervisors and subordinates on a reporting chain who also own organizations. HRMS uses this hierarchy to filter the information you display in report modules, such as the Daily Business Intelligence Workforce Budget Management dashboard, to include only managers who own organizations.
OSSWA : Oracle Self Service Web Applications.
Outcome : For a unit standard competence, a behavior or performance standard associated with one or more assessment criteria. A worker achieves a unit standard competence when they achieve all outcomes for that competence.
Overrides : You can enter overrides for an element's pay or input values for a single payroll period. This is useful, for example, when you want to correct errors in data entry for a nonrecurring element before a payroll run.