76)Which procedure should be used to make the DFF read only at run time?
77)What is the difference between flexfield qualifier and segment qualifier?
Flex field qualifier identifies segment in a flex field and segment qualifier identifies value in a segment.
There are four types of flexfiled qualifier
- Balancing segment qualifier
- cost center
- natural account and
- intercompnay
- allow budgeting
- allow posting
- account type
- control account and
- reconciliation flag
The concurrent manager first looks for the environment variable $APPLCSF If this is set, it creates a path using two other environment variables: $APPLLOG and $APPLOUT It places log files in $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG Output files go in $APPLCSF/$APPLOUT So for example, if you have this environment set: $APPLCSF = /u01/appl/common $APPLLOG = log $APPLOUT = out The concurrent manager will place log files in /u01/appl/common/log, and output files in /u01/appl/common/out Note that $APPLCSF must be a full, absolute path, and the other two are directory names. If $APPLCSF is not set, it places the files under the product top of the application associated with the request.
So for example, a PO report would go under $PO_TOP/$APPLLOG and $PO_TOP/$APPLOUT Logfiles go to: /u01/appl/po/9.0/log Output files to: /u01/appl/po/9.0/out Of course, all these directories must exist and have the correct permissions. Note that all concurrent requests produce a log file, but not necessarily an output file.
79)How do I check if Multi-org is installed?
If MULTI_ORG_FLAG is set to 'Y', Then its Multi Org.
80)How do I find out what the currently installed release of Applications is? /How do I find the name of a form?We can also find out through Help > About Oracle Applications
81)Why does Help->Tools->Examine ask for a password?
Navigate to the Update System Profile Screen.
(\ navigate profile system) 32
Select Level: Site
Query up Utilities: Diagnostics in the User Profile Options Zone.
If the profile option Utilities: Diagnostics is set to NO, people with access to the Utilities Menu must enter the password for the ORACLE ID of the current responsibility to use Examine. If set to Yes, a password will not be required.
82)What are the API used in PO cancellation ?
For Partial cancellation -> To modify the Ordered quantity
v_return_flag := apps.gems_public_apis_pkg.po_update_po
( x_po_number => v_po_number
, x_release_number => NULL
, x_revision_number => v_revision_num
, x_line_number => v_line_number
, x_shipment_number => v_shipment_num
, new_quantity => p_quantity
, new_price => NULL
, new_promised_date => NULL
, launch_approvals_flag => 'Y'
, update_source => NULL
, x_interface_type => NULL
, x_transaction_id => NULL
, version => '1.0');
For Full cancellation ->
( p_api_version => v_api_version_number
, p_init_msg_list => apps.fnd_api.g_true
, p_commit => apps.fnd_api.g_false
, x_return_status => p_return_status
, p_doc_type => 'PO'
, p_doc_subtype => v_sub_type
, p_doc_id => v_po_header_id
, p_doc_num => NULL
, p_release_id => NULL
, p_release_num => NULL
, p_doc_line_id => v_po_line_id
, p_doc_line_num => NULL
, p_doc_line_loc_id => p_line_loc_id
, p_doc_shipment_num => NULL
, p_action => 'CANCEL'
, p_action_date => SYSDATE
, p_cancel_reason => 'GPO_WAREHOUSE_DENIAL'
, p_cancel_reqs_flag => 'N'
, p_print_flag => 'N'
, p_note_to_vendor => apps.fnd_api.g_miss_char);
83)How an API is initialized ?
( user_id => p_user_id
, resp_id => p_resp_id
, resp_appl_id => p_resp_appl_id)
84)What is the name of the API parameter when they are True,False and NULL ?
apps.fnd_api.g_true, apps.fnd_api.g_false and apps.fnd_api.g_miss_char respectively.
85)What are the different steps in sending a mail from PL/SQL ?
PROCEDURE glp_send_mail_po_cancel
( p_org_id IN VARCHAR2
, p_feeder_source IN VARCHAR2
, p_subject IN VARCHAR2
, p_message_body IN VARCHAR2
, p_return_status OUT VARCHAR2
, p_error_message OUT VARCHAR2
v_host_name := utl_inaddr.get_host_name();
v_host_ip := utl_inaddr.get_host_address(v_host_name);
v_mailconn := utl_smtp.open_connection(v_host_ip, 25);
v_message := v_message || 'To: ' || v_to_email_tab(v_addr_cnt) || '>' || crlf;
utl_smtp.data(v_mailconn,v_message); -- calling mail procedure
86)How do u call a mail program from Shell program ?
for file in `find . -name "*.com*~$5" -print |cut -c3-120`
echo $file
frm=`echo $file | cut -d'~' -f1`
tom=`echo $file | cut -d'~' -f2 | sed 's/,/ /g'`
echo $frm
echo $tom
echo "Sending mail to $tom"
mailx -r "$frm" -s 'Order Shipment Confirmation' "$tom" < "$file"
if [ $rc != 0 ]
echo 'invalid file name'
fi 34
rm -f "$file"
if [ $rc != 0 ]
echo 'invalid file name'
87)How do submit a concurrent program from PL/SQL ?
(user_id => p_user_id
,resp_id => p_resp_id
,resp_appl_id => p_resp_appl_id)
*/ p_error_message := p_error_message ||'Calling Receiving transaction processor'||chr(10);
v_request_id := apps.fnd_request.submit_request
dbms_output.put_line('request id is :'||v_request_id); COMMIT;
p_error_message := p_error_message ||'Receiving Transaction Processing Request id :'||v_request_id ||chr(10) ;
IF (v_request_id > 0) THEN
v_complete := FND_CONCURRENT.wait_for_request ( request_id => v_request_id
, interval => 10
, max_wait => 0
, phase => v_phase
, status => v_status
, dev_phase => v_dev_phase 35
, dev_status => v_dev_status
, message => v_message);
88)How do u register a concurrent program from PL/SQL ?
apps.fnd_program.executable_exists -> To check if executable file exists
apps.fnd_program.executable -> To make executable file
fnd_program.program_exists -> To check if program is defined
apps.fnd_program.register -> To register/define the program
apps.fnd_program.parameter -> To add parameters
apps.fnd_program.request_group -> To add to a request group
89)How do u initialize an API ?
( user_id => p_user_id
, resp_id => p_resp_id
, resp_appl_id => p_resp_appl_id)
And U can get the parameters from the following script ->
, f4.responsibility_name responsibility_name
, f4.responsibility_id responsibility_id
--, v_responsibility_name
--, v_responsibility_id
FROM applsys.fnd_user_resp_groups f6
, apps.fnd_user f5
, apps.fnd_profile_options f1
, apps.fnd_profile_option_values f2
, apps.fnd_responsibility f3
, apps.fnd_responsibility_tl f4
WHERE SYSDATE BETWEEN f6.start_date AND NVL(f6.end_date,SYSDATE)
AND f5.user_id = f6.user_id
AND UPPER(f5.user_name) like '%GLOBALPARTS%'
AND f6.responsibility_id = f4.responsibility_id
AND f2.profile_option_value = TO_CHAR(13) -- Putting the ORG ID Value
AND f2.profile_option_id = f1.profile_option_id
AND f1.profile_option_name = 'ORG_ID'
AND f3.application_id = 201
AND f2.level_value = f3.responsibility_id
AND f3.responsibility_id = f4.responsibility_id
AND UPPER(f4.responsibility_name) LIKE UPPER('GEMS%PO%MANAGER%') 36
90)How Do u register a table & a column ?
EXECUTE ad_dd.register_table( 'GEMSQA', 'gems_qa_iqa_lookup_codes', 'T', 512, 10, 70);
EXECUTE ad_dd.register_column('GEMSQA', 'gems_qa_iqa_lookup_codes', 'LOOKUP_CODE', 1, 'VARCHAR2', 25, 'N', 'N');
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