11.What are all the components of BC4J?
Following are the components of BC4J:
Entity Object - EO encapsulates the business logic and rules. EO’s are used for Inserting, Updating and Deleting data from the database table. E0 is also used for validating the records across the applications.
View Object – View object encapsulates the database query. It is used for selecting data. It provides iteration over a query result set. VO’s are primarily based on EO’s. It can be used on multiple EO’s if the UI is for update.
Application Module – Application Modules serve as containers for related BC4J components. The pages are related by participating in the same task. It also defines the logical data model and business methods needed.
12) What is an EO?
EO encapsulates the business logic and rules.EO’s are used for Inserting, Updating and Deleting data. This is used for validating across the applications. We can also link to other EO’s and create a Association object.
13) What is an VO?
View object encapsulates the database query. It is used for selecting data. It provides iteration over a query result set.VO’s are primarily based on Eo’s. It can be used on multiple EO’s if the UI is for update. It provides a single point of contact for getting and setting entity object values. It can be linked together to form View Links.
14) What is an AO?
An association object is created where we link EO’s. For example take the search page where we link the same EO to form a association between the manager and employee. Every employee should have a manager associated. But if it President then no there is no manager associated. This is a perfect example to understand the AO.
15) What is an VL?
A view link is an active link between view links. A view link can be created by providing the source and destination views and source and destination attributes. There are two modes of View link operation that can be performed. A document and Master/Detail operation.
16. What is UIX?
UIX is an extensible, J2EE-based framework for building web applications. It is based on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern, which provides the foundation for building scalable enterprise web applications.
17. Where the VO is located in the MVC architecture?
VO is located in the View Layer in MVC which is responsible for presenting the data to the user.
18. Which package should include EO and AO?
The EO and AO will be present in the schema.server package.
19. What is the difference between inline lov and external lov?
Inline lov is a lov which is used only for that particular page for which it was created and cannot be used by any other page.
External lov is a common lov which can be used by any page. It is a common component for any page to use it. It can be used by giving the full path of the lov in the properties section “External LOV” of the item.
20. what is a Java bean?
Java Beans is an object-oriented programming interface that lets you build re-useable applications or program building blocks called components that can be deployed in a network on any major operating system platform.
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