Length of File Name:
Naming Standards for an Object:
- File names are limited to 30.3 characters for OA Extension XML files (50.java for Java files).
- For performance reasons, object names (internal ID’s) are limited to 30 characters.
- Common abbreviations are acceptable to keep names as short as possible.
- Acceptable abbreviations can be instantly understood by a third party consultant.
- Object names in pages must be unique in the entire page.
- Most names follow Java naming convention (mixed case).
- The page name should convey the object it Presents.
- Page name ends with PG:- <object name>PG
- Example: EmpSearchPG, EmployeePG, SupplierPG
- The region name should convey the object it Presents.
- Region name ends with RN: <object name>RN
- Example: MainRN, EmpSearchRN, PoHeaderRN
Naming Standards for an Object:
- EmpName, SearchEmpName, ResultsEmpName
- The EO should be named for the objects stored in its underlying entity.
- Entity Object name ends with EO:- <EntityName>EO
- Example: EmployeeEO, SupplierEO, PurchaseOrderHeaderEO.
- The AO name should convey the relationship between a parent and its child entities.
- Entity Association name ends with AO:-<parent>TO<child>AO
- Example: PoHeaderToLinesAO, SupplierToSitesAO, DepartmentToEmployeeAO
- The VO name should convey the nature of the query.
- View Object name ends with VO:- <Descriptive Name>VO
- Example: EmployeeVO, SupplierVO, PurchaseOrderVO.
- The VL name should convey the relationship between the master and detail VOs.
- View Link name ends with VL:- <Master>To<Detail>VL
- Example: EmployeeToDepartmenstVL, PoHeaderToLinesVL
- The AM name should convey the purpose of the UI module it services.
- Application Module name ends with AM:- <ModuleName>AM
- Example: HelloWorldAM, EmployeesAM, SupplierAM.
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