Difference Between Rdf report and XML Publisher

Difference Between Rdf report and XML Publisher

Difference Between Rdf report and XML Publisher

Oracle Report (.rdf)
XML Publisher(11i) BI Publisher (R12)
1.Develop .rdf file as per client Requirement.
a.Build Data modal(SQL Query) 
b.Deign Layout Model
1.Develop .rdf report as per client Requirement
a.Build Data modal(SQL Query)
2. Transfer .rdf file from local machine to server.
2.Transfer .rdf file from local machine
3. Define Executable.
3. Define Executable.
4. Define Concurrent Program.
4. Define Concurrent Program.
5. Attach Concurrent Program to the Request Group.
5. Attach Concurrent Program to the Request Group.
6. Run Concurrent Program through SRS Window.
6. Run Concurrent Program through SRS Window.

7. Download XML output to Local Machine.

8. Open Msword document and load XML output and design layout and save as ".rtf". 

9. Register data definition using the responsibility "XML publisher Administrator"(code=CP Shortname).

10. Register Template and upload .rtf file using the responsibility XML publisher Administrator".
