DECLARE p_location_rec HZ_LOCATION_V2PUB.LOCATION_REC_TYPE; p_object_version_number NUMBER; x_return_status VARCHAR2 (4000); x_msg_count NUMBER; x_msg_data VARCHAR2 (4000); BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Start of Script'); mo_global.init ('AR'); fnd_global.apps_initialize (user_id => 11, resp_id => 551122, resp_appl_id => 457); mo_global.set_policy_context ('S', 123); p_object_version_number := 1; p_location_rec.location_id := 28195; p_location_rec.address1 := 'TEST1'; p_location_rec.address2 := 'TEST2'; p_location_rec.address3 := 'TEST3'; p_location_rec.address4 := 'TEST4'; p_location_rec.CITY := 'TEST5'; p_location_rec.STATE := 'TEST6'; p_location_rec.POSTAL_CODE := '123456'; p_location_rec.COUNTRY := 'US'; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Calling the API hz_location_v2pub.update_location'); hz_location_v2pub.update_location ( p_init_msg_list => FND_API.G_TRUE, p_location_rec => p_location_rec, p_object_version_number => p_object_version_number, x_return_status => x_return_status, x_msg_count => x_msg_count, x_msg_data => x_msg_data); IF x_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN COMMIT; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Successfully Location address updated '); ELSE ROLLBACK; FOR i IN 1 .. x_msg_count LOOP x_msg_data := oe_msg_pub.get (p_msg_index => i, p_encoded => 'F'); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (i || ') ' || x_msg_data); END LOOP; DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Location address update failed:' || x_msg_data); END IF; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('End of Script'); END; /
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