Multi - Org Setup

Multi - Org Setup,
Multi-Org is a server-side (applications and database) enhancement that enables multiple business units in an enterprise to use a single installation of Oracle Applications products while keeping transaction data separate and secure. The Multi-Org enhancement uses native database views to build a security layer on top of a single installation of Oracle Applications. In Oracle Applications Release 11i,

Basic Business Needs:

The Multi-Org enhancement to Oracle Applications provides features necessary to satisfy the following basic business needs. You should be able to:

• Use a single installation of any Oracle Applications product to support any number of business units, even if those business units use different sets of books.
• Support any number of business units within a single installation of Oracle Applications.
• Secure access to data so that users can access only information that is relevant to them.
• Procure products from an operating unit that uses one set of book, but receive them from another operating unit using a different set of books.
• Sell products from an operating unit that uses one set of books, but ship them from another operating unit using a different set of books, automatically recording the appropriate inter-company sales by posting inter-company accounts payable and accounts receivable invoices.
• Report at any level of the organizational structure