Differences between 12.0.6 TO 12.1.3 for HR Module.

Differences between 12.0.6 TO 12.1.3 for HR Module.

General Features

  1. Type-ahead feature in Self service.


  1. Interview Management
    1. Allocation and interview schedule
    2. Feedbacks
  2. Recruitment Communications
  3. Employee referral
    1. Internal referrals are handled.
  4. Enhances Search
  5. New Attachments
    1. Vacancies
    2. Offers
    3. External/ Internal/ Both
  6. Dashboard view for recruitment and managers
    1. Vacancies Dashboard.
  7. Re-consider terminated applications.
  8. Withdraw offers
  9. Enhances visibility feature
  10. HR XML2.5 compliance for Jo board, postings
  11. Single page candidate profile and able to print the same.
  12. Indentify potential duplicate applicant and candidates.


  1. Self service BEE(Batch element entry)
  2. Interactive Org chart.

Self Service (SS)

  1. Adjusted service date.
  2. Grade Step/point Change.
  3. Leave accrual balance visible in SS and shown as notifications.
  4. Hire employee applicant into new assignment.
  5. Rehire ex-employee.
  6. Terminate secondary appointment.
  7. View oracle self service attachment in oracle HRMS.
  8. Context sensitive EIT in Self-service
  9. Employee information is available in pop-ups.
  10. Reverse Termination.
  11. Employee Voluntary termination.
  12. Talent management new look and feel.

Human Resource

  1. Prevention of “fully open” query on person form.
  2. Ability to change the final process date.
  3. Document approval option on creation and update.
  4. Ability to restrict negative balance in absence.
  5. Absence DFF’s available in FF(Fast Formula’s) calculations standard functions
  6. AME fully integrated to checklists.


  1. Upgrade latest balance tables
    1. Balance based process, where provision for temp table has been made to hold the latest balances to improve the performance.
  2. Partial period accruals.
  3. Cash management integration.
  4. View cost allocations.
  5. View magnetic tape O/P window.
    1. Click to view the output.
  6. Storage of last balances (as mentioned in point no 1).
  7. User fields KTT days
  8. View SOE balances
  9. New BI Publisher report
    1. P46
    2. P44EXPAT
    3. WNU
  10. Defaulting PAYE aggregation for secondary assignments
  11. Start of year (SOY) future changes validation check.
  12. Approval mechanism for manager Self service.
  13. Upgrade of historical costing date to support sub-ledger accounting.
  14. Purge process for pay event table.

HR Help Desk

  1. Help Desk product specific to HR Needs.
  2. Integrated into e-Buss HR in R12.1 onwards

Learning Management

  1. Learners can view catalogue attachment.
  2. Free text question option.
  3. Mandatory enrolments.
  4. Course evaluation
  5. BI Publisher reports for certifications forums and chats.
  6. Learners group
  7. Search for courses on all course meta-data, not just file.
  8. Enhance learning path functionality.
  9. Automatic calculation of end date for learner competency.
  10. Improved navigation.
  11. Pop-up window on the administration for enrolment when hovering over learner.
    1. Picture of the learner.
    2. Learner name
    3. Enrolment number
    4. Enrolment status
    5. Reason for change
    6. Attendance result.
  12. Pop-up window on the administrator catalogue

Performance Management

  1. Mass cascade objectives.
  2. Line of sight objective.
  3. Display competency & objective scores on workflow notification page.
    1. Rollback a published performance management plan.
    2. Publish the performance management plan of the new joiner and transfer the plans into the performance management plan.
  4. Enhance user experience

Compensation Workbench

                Global combination - top to bottom or bottom to top approach
1.       Allocate budgets
2.       Review performance
3.       Review Job information
4.       Allocate Reward Amounts.
5.       Manage approvals
6.       Review and Submit
7.       Print Employee communication

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