Query Tips and Tricks

Query Tips and Tricks, AskHareesh blog for Oracle Apps

Query Tips and Tricks

Most of our technical consultants used to write query fastly to find out number of records in a table, and find out the number of records between.
here are some tips to find out from the front end itself.

Query Wild Card Characters using "%" and "_". Now we will see the difference between this.

% - one or more characters
_ - exactly one character


'AS64%' returns AS64000 or AS64001
'AS6_4%' returns AS61400 or AS62400, but not AS64000 / AS64001

Query Operators
  1. #between <> and <> 
  2. #is null
  3. #is not null
  4. >=
  5. <
  6. <=
  7. =
  8. !=
Examples: In sales order screen
  • #between 10 and 20 => (Query in Sales order number field) it will return the sales order number between 10 to 20
  • #is null => (Query in Customer Contact field) it will return the sales order which do not have customer contact information
  • #is null => (Query in Customer Contact field) it will return the sales order which have customer contact information
  • >20 => (Query in Sales order number field) it will return the sales order number greater than 20
  • >=20 => (Query in Sales order number field) it will return the sales order number 20 and greater than 20
  • <20 => (Query in Sales order number field) it will return the sales order number less than 20
  • >=20 => (Query in Sales order number field) it will return the sales order number 20 and less than 20
  • =20 => (Query in Sales order number field) it will return the sales order number 20
  • !=20 => (Query in Sales order number field) it will return the sales order number except 20
Count Record: 
After you execute the query. Now you want to find out the number of records in the last query.

First press F11 in sales order screen then enter this in sales order number field #between 10 and 20. execute using CONTROL + F11, It will return the sales order number between 10 to 20. Now press F12, this will return number of records parsed now.

Last Query:
You gave some input and query the records in the form. Now you want to find out, which query executed to get this details.

   Help : Diagnostics : Examine
   Block = SYSTEM
   Field = last_query
(requires apps password if the Profile Option Utilities:Diagnostics is set to Yes) Other ways to determine the underlying table structure:
  1. Help : Record History
  2. Trace the form (requires apps password and DBA to retrieve trace file)

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