Steps for Developing Custom Forms in E-Business Suite

Steps for Developing Custom Forms in E-Business Suite

Follow these steps to create custom forms in E-Business Suite:
1.    Create TEMPLATE form Make a copy of TEMPLATE.fmb and rename it to your custom form name. Your form name will begin with XX. For developing HRMS-related screens, use HRTEMPLT.fmb.
2.    Develop form Develop your form as per programming guidelines and standards in Oracle Applications Forms Development Guide. Detailed guidelines are available at

3.    Generate runtime file Transfer the FMB file to midtier and compile it to generate an FMX compiled file.

4.    Register Register the form with Custom Application.

5.    Create form function Create a form function attached to the form.

6.    Attach to menu Attach the form function to the menu.

7.    Assign to responsibility Assign the menu to the responsibility.

Navigate to Application Developer responsibility and go to Form and enter your form details as follows
Form:Form Name(.fmb name)

Application:Application(Provide Custom Application if you have one)

User Form name:This is the form name by which you call it (like Purchase Orders,Item Inquiry etc.,)

Now, create a Function to which your form should be attached. For this, navigate to Function in Application Developer Responsibility and provide the details.

In the Form tab, provide the Form name which you gave in the previous screen where you created your new form

The last thing left is attaching our form to a menu. Attaching a form to menu is how we could be able to see our form in the desired responsibility.

To check the menu details for a particular responsibility, navigate to system administrator responsibility and query the responsibility you want attach.

Now switch to application developer responsibility and attach your form to desired responsibility. Here, we are attaching to Inventory Responsibility.

Save the work and see your form in the responsibility which you have attached

That’s it, your Form is successfully registered in oracle apps. Now move the .fmb file to your custom top or the base top (INV_TOP in this case)

After moving the file , run the below command:
frmcmp_batch Module=ASPITEM.fmb Userid=apps/apps Output_file=ASPITEM.fmx Compile_all=special batch=Yes

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