MBT Company PLSQL Interview Questions
MBT Company PLSQL Interview Questions
- How to fetch duplicate rows.?(with out using rowid);
- Write query to fetch details of candidates who are not females(including nulls);
- what is index, types of indexes?
- What is bitmap index & why is efficient?
- Diff between bitmap & binary index;
- how to know to which database we connected?
- what is trigger,types of triggers?
- where we use :old and :new ?
- Diff between fns and procds ?
- diff between pkg spec & pkg body?
- can we write nested blocks in pl/sql;
- what is propagation exception?
- can we create index for view?
- what do u know abt materialized view?
- what is the diff between dblink & materialized view?(incase of accessing)
- what is cursor, types of cursors?
- how do we process records in cursor?
- what is autonomous transaction?
- how do u identify autonomous trans in procedure?
- what is correlated subquery & give an exml?
- display details of all employees including who are not in deptno 40 (using outer join).
- what is dbms_job ?
- What is dynamic sql?
- what is partition, why u go for partitions, and write the syntax?
- diff between triggers & integrity constraints?
- what are analytical functions(roll up,rank,cube)?
- what is sequence & where did u used in ur project?
- diff between view & materialized view?
- can we create index on materialized view?
- what is primary key & unique key?
- can we create index on primary key column?
- what is unique index?
- what is the syntax of organization table index?
- what is the main diff between normal index & organization table index?
- Can foreign key column accepts null values & duplicate values?
- Why we use autonomous trans & write syntax?
- What is the main diff between function and procedure?
- How we call a procedure?
- Is exec a sql statement?
- Tell me about function overloading?
- What is the diff between integrity constraints and triggers?
- Tell me about types of triggers?
- What is forward declaration?
- Can you select the salary by passing the eno as a argument in the procedure?
- Why you want to shift here?
- What about your present company?