Scope international PLSQL Interview Questions
Scope international PL/SQL Interview Questions
- How to see invalid indexes?
- How to rebuild invalid indexes using pl/sql block
- Which cursor are used in u r project,how to idenified which cursor are wrritten in u r requirement?
- which is better explict or implict?
- Create small procedure in u r project you are created?
- Do u know m_views? Explain wat is disadvantages and advantages?
- When m_views are created mainly?if base table deleted what happen m_views?
- Why are u creating m_views in u r project?main purpose?
- In exceptions, write ora errors?
- Ora errors where stored?
- What are different types of queries
- Write a correlated sub query and explain how it works
- What are different type of statements
- What tcl do
- What is difference between stored procedure and function
- How you handle errors
- What is %type and %row type
- What are different types of cursors
- How implicit cursor works
- What are different type of triggers
- Write a pl/sql block for trigger at the time of insertion for inserting old and new values auditing table.
- What are different types of joins
- What self join do
- Write an example and explain about self join
- Write an example for left outer join and how output comes
- What is difference between in and = operator
- What is package
- Tell some advantages of packages
- What are collections in pl/sql
- What are pointers in c
- How you connect to data base
- Some more interview questions asked in scope
- Difference between cursor for loop and for loop, which is faster?
- In proc and pl/sql, which is faster?
- Which is best method to kill the process (unix or oracle)?
- Difference between c shell, bourn shell, k shell?
- What is inode?
- How to search two patterns using grep pattern?
- Difference between ls and find?
- Difference between view and snapshot?
- Difference between function and procedure?
- Why we cannot use ddl commands in procedure?
- Difference between global variable and static global variable?
- How to access variable of nested procedure?
- If we have both user exception and system exception, which will be handled first?
- Difference between anonymous block and normal block?
- Can we create snapshot for another schema?
- How to access table from another database?
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