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User Name | Default Password | Script (in $ORACLE_HOME) | Additional Information |
ANONYMOUS | ANONYMOUS | /rdbms/admin/catqm.sql | Allows HTTP access to Oracle XML DB. |
APEX_PUBLIC_USER | APEX_PUBLIC_USER | /apex/apexins.sql | The Oracle Database Application Express account |
BI | CHANGE_ON_INSTALL / BI | /demo/schema/bus_intelligence/bi_main.sql | Sample Schema |
CTXSYS | CHANGE_ON_INSTALL / CTXSYS | /ctx/admin/ctxsys.sql | To administer Oracle Text |
DBSNMP | DBSNMP | /rdbms/admin/catsnmp.sql | Used by the Management Agent of OEM to monitor and manage DB |
DIP | DIP | /rdbms/admin/catdip.sql | for Oracle Internet Directory-enabled Oracle Label Security |
EXFSYS | EXFSYS | /rdbms/admin/exfsys.sql | Used internally and enables us to build complex PL/SQL rules and expressions |
FLOWS_FILES | FLOWS_FILES | /apex/apexins.sql | Owns objects created during installation of Oracle Database Application Express |
HR | CHANGE_ON_INSTALL / HR | /demo/schema/human_resources/hr_main.sql | Sample Schema |
IX | CHANGE_ON_INSTALL / IX | /demo/schema/info_exchange/ix_main.sql | Sample Schema |
MDDATA | MDDATA | /md/admin/catmd.sql | Used by Oracle Spatial Feature |
MDSYS | MDSYS | /ord/admin/ordinst.sql | The Oracle Spatial and Oracle Multimedia Locator administrator account |
MGMT_VIEW | MGMT_VIEW | /sysman/admin/emdrep/bin/RepManager | Used by Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control |
OE | CHANGE_ON_INSTALL / OE | /demo/schema/order_entry/oe_main.sql | Sample Schema |
OLAPSYS | MANAGER / OLAPSYS | /olap/admin/amdsys.sql | Owns the OLAP Catalog, has been deprecated |
ORACLE_OCM | ORACLE_OCM | /rdbms/admin/catocm.sql | Associate the configuration information of Database instance with OracleMetaLink |
ORDPLUGINS | ORDPLUGINS | /ord/admin/ordinst.sql | Enables Oracle Database to store, manage and retrieve heterogeneous media data |
ORDSYS | ORDSYS | /ord/admin/ordinst.sql | Oracle Multimedia administrator account |
OUTLN | OUTLN | /rdbms/admin/sql.bsq (after recovery) | Provides plan stability prevents certain db environment changes from affecting performance characteristics |
OWBSYS | OWBSYS | /owb/UnifiedRepos/cat_owb.sql | For administrating the Oracle Warehouse Builder repository |
PM | CHANGE_ON_INSTALL / PM | /demo/schema/product_media/pm_main.sql | Sample Schema |
SCOTT | TIGER | /rdbms/admin/utlsampl.sql | Sample Schema |
SH | CHANGE_ON_INSTALL / SH | /demo/schema/sales_history/sh_main.sql | Sample Schema |
SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA | SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA | /ord/admin/ordinst.sql | Stores the information views for the SQL/MM Still Image Standard |
SPATIAL_CSW_ADMIN_USR | SPATIAL_CSW_ADMIN_USR | /md/admin/sdocswpv.sql | Used by Oracle Spatial CSW Cache Manager to load record-type metadata andrecord instances |
SPATIAL_WFS_ADMIN_USR | SPATIAL_CSW_ADMIN_USR | /md/admin/sdowfspv.sql | Used by Oracle Spatial WFS Cache Manager to load all feature type metadata and feature instances |
SYS | CHANGE_ON_INSTALL | /rdbms/admin/sql.bsq (after recovery) | An account used to perform database administration tasks |
SYSMAN | OEM_TEMP | /rdbms/admin/sql.bsq (after recovery) | The account used to perform Oracle Enterprise Manager administration tasks |
SYSTEM | MANAGER | /rdbms/admin/sql.bsq (after recovery) | Default generic database administrator account |
WMSYS | WMSYS | /rdbms/admin/owmctab.plb | Used to store the metadata information for Oracle Workspace Manager. |
XDB | CHANGE_ON_INSTALL / XDB | /rdbms/admin/catqm.sql | Provides high-performance XML storage and retrieval |
XS$NULL | /rdbms/admin/sql.bsq (after recovery) | Represents the absence of a user in a session |
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