Oracle Apps important tables 4

Oracle Apps important tables,
JA - Asia/Pacific Localizations

Table Name Description
JAI_CMN_BOE_HDRS Stores BOE header info when a BOE Invoice is created through IL
JAI_CMN_BOE_DTLS Detail table for BOE Invoices
JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL Master table for Localization Taxes
JAI_CMN_TAX_CTGS_ALL Stores tax categories and their link to excise ITEM classes.
JAI_CMN_TAX_CTG_LINES Stores the tax lines for defined tax categories
JAI_CMN_VENDOR_SITES Stores excise account related information about vendors.
JAI_RGM_DEFINITIONS Stores regime information.
JAI_RGM_TAXES This table stores tax details for transactions having TCS tax type.
JAI_CMN_RG_23AC_I_TRXS Stores Information of RG23A/C records and known as Quantity Register.
JAI_CMN_RG_23AC_II_TRXS Stores Information of RG23A/C Part II Details. Also known as Amount Register
JAI_CMN_RG_23D_TRXS Quantity register for Trading Organizations
JAI_CMN_RG_BALANCES Store the current balances of RG23A, RG23C and PLA Registers
JAI_CMN_RG_PLA_TRXS Stores the Transaction Information of PLA Register.
JAI_CMN_RG_PLA_HDRS Stores PLA header Infomation when a PLA invoice is created in AP module
JAI_CMN_RG_PLA_DTLS Stores PLA Detail Information when a PLA Invoice is created in AP Module

QP - Advanced Pricing

Table Name Description
QP_LIST_HEADERS_B QP_LIST_HEADERS_B stores the header information for all lists. List types can be, for example, Price Lists, Discount Lists or Promotions.
QP_LIST_LINES QP_LIST_LINES stores all list lines for lists in QP_LIST_HEADERS_B.
QP_PRICE_FORMULAS_B QP_PRICE_FORMULAS_B stores the pricing formula header information.
QP_PRICE_FORMULA_LINES QP_PRICE_FORMULA_LINES stores each component that makes up the formula.
QP_PRICING_ATTRIBUTES QP_PRICING_ATTRIBUTES stores product information and pricing attributes.
QP_QUALIFIERS QP_QUALIFIERS stores qualifier attribute information.

XLA - Subledger Accounting

Table Name Description
XLA_EVENTS The XLA_EVENTS table record all information related to a specific event. This table is created as a type XLA_ARRAY_EVENT_TYPE.
XLA_TRANSACTION_ENTITIES The table XLA_ENTITIES contains information about sub-ledger document or transactions.
XLA_AE_HEADERS The XLA_AE_HEADERS table stores subledger journal entries. There is a one-to-many relationship between accounting events and journal entry headers.
XLA_AE_LINES The XLA_AE_LINES table stores the subledger journal entry lines. There is a one-to-many relationship between subledger journal entry headers and subledger journal entry lines.
XLA_DISTRIBUTION_LINKS The XLA_DISTRIBUTION_LINKS table stores the link between transactions and subledger journal entry lines.
XLA_ACCOUNTING_ERRORS The XLA_ACCOUNTING_ERRORS table stores the errors encountered during execution of the Accounting Program.
XLA_ACCTG_METHODS_B The XLA_ACCTG_METHODS_B table stores Subledger Accounting Methods (SLAM) across products. SLAMs provided by development are not chart of accounts specific. Enabled SLAMs are assigned to ledgers.
XLA_EVENT_TYPES_B The XLA_EVENT_TYPES_B table stores all event types that belong to an event class.
XLA_GL_LEDGERS This table contains ledger information used by subledger accounting.

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