150 SQL Queries Part2

150 SQL Queries, www.askhareesh.com
21.Display the names of employees whose names have sencond alphabet A in their names

22.Display the names of employees whose name is exactly five characters in length

23.Display the names of employees who are not working as managers

24.Display the names of employees who are not working as SALESMAN or CLERK or ANALYST

25.Display all rows from emp table. The system should wait after every screen full of information

26.Display the total number of employees working in the company
27.Display the total salary and total commission to all employees

28.Display the maximum salary from emp table

29.Display the minimum salary from emp table

30.Display the average salary from emp table

31.Display the maximum salary being paid to CLERK

32.Display the maximum salary being paid in dept no 20

33.Display the minimum salary being paid to any SALESMAN

34.Display the average salary drawn by managers

35.Display the total salary drawn by analyst working in dept no 40

36.Display the names of employees in order of salary i.e. the name of the employee earning lowest salary shoud appear first

37.Display the names of employees in descending order of salary

38.Display the details from emp table in order of emp name

39.Display empnno,ename,deptno and sal. Sort the output first based on name and within name by deptno and witdhin deptno by sal;

40) Display the name of employees along with their annual salary(sal*12).

the name of the employee earning highest annual salary should appear first? 

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