150 SQL Queries Part3

150 SQL Queries, www.askhareesh.com
41) Display name,salary,Hra,pf,da,TotalSalary for each employee.
The out put should be in the order of total salary ,hra 15% of salary ,DA 10% of salary .pf 5% salary Total Salary will be (salary+hra+da)-pf?

42) Display Department numbers and total number of employees working in each Department?

43) Display the various jobs and total number of employees working in each job group?

44)Display department numbers and Total Salary for each Department?

45)Display department numbers and Maximum Salary from each Department?

46)Display various jobs and Total Salary for each job?

47)Display each job along with min of salary being paid in each job group?

48) Display the department Number with more than three employees in each department?

49) Display various jobs along with total salary for each of the job where total salary is greater than 40000?

50) Display the various jobs along with total number of employees in each job.The
output should contain only those jobs with more than three employees?

51) Display the name of employees who earn Highest Salary?

52) Display the employee Number and name for employee working as clerk and earning highest salary among the clerks?

53) Display the names of salesman who earns a salary more than the Highest Salary of the clerk?

54) Display the names of clerks who earn a salary more than the lowest Salary of any salesman?

55) Display the names of employees who earn a salary more than that of jones or that of salary greater than that of scott?

56) Display the names of employees who earn Highest salary in their respective departments?

57) Display the names of employees who earn Highest salaries in their respective job Groups?

58) Display employee names who are working in Accounting department?

59) Display the employee names who are Working in Chicago?

60) Display the job groups having Total Salary greater than the maximum salary for Managers?

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