150 SQL Queries Part4

150 SQL Queries, www.askhareesh.com
 61) Display the names of employees from department number 10 with salary greater than that of ANY employee working in other departments?

62) Display the names of employees from department number 10 with salary greater than that of ALL employee working in other departments?

63) Display the names of mployees in Upper Case?

64) Display the names of employees in Lower Case?

65) Display the names of employees in Proper case?

66) Find the length of your name using Appropriate Function?

67) Display the length of all the employee names?

68) Display the name of employee Concatenate with Employee Number?

69) Use appropriate function and extract 3 characters starting from 2 characters from the following string 'Oracle' i.e., the out put should be ac?

70) Find the first occurance of character a from the following string Computer Maintenance Corporation?

71) Replace every occurance of alphabet A with B in the string .Alliens (Use Translate function)?

72) Display the information from the employee table . where ever job Manager is found it should be displayed as Boss?

73) Display empno,ename,deptno from tvsemp table. Instead of display department numbers
display the related department name(Use decode function)?

74) Display your Age in Days?

75) Display your Age in Months?

76) Display current date as 15th August Friday Nineteen Ninety Seven?

77) Display the following output for each row from tvsemp table?

78) Scott has joined the company on 13th August nineteen ninety?

79) Find the nearest Saturday after Current date?

80) Display the current time? 

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