Basics of Core HRMS in Oracle Apps Part2

Basics of Core HRMS in Oracle Apps


Navigation: Work Structures --> Organization --> Description

Business Group
In Oracle HRMS, the enterprise needs to be represented as an employer. This can be done by creating Business Group. Business Group is the largest organizational unit that is set up. Depending on the need, a single business group or multiple business groups can be set up. The defaults entered for a business group are the information that will generally apply to the people entered for that particular business group. These defaults can be overridden.
While setting up the business group, following information needs to be set up:
  • Employee Number Generation for Employees and Applicants (Manual/Automatic)
  • National Identifier Generation only for Employees (Manual/Automatic)
  • Key flexfield structures that would be used in the business group.
  • Legislation code and default currency
  • Government Reporting Entity

This is available for selected legislations e.g. US. One more GREs can be set up within a business group. GRE organization is recognized as an employer by the government.
Representing Organizations

All the levels of an enterprise can be represented using Internal Organizations and External Organizations.
  • Internal Organizations are the departments, divisions or branches where the employees work.
  • External Organizations could be the hiring agencies, contractors, training institutes etc.

The locations need to be set up before an organization can be defined. This is the exact location of the organization along with the address and phone number.

Navigation: Work Structures --> Location

Organization Classifications
This describes the purpose and use of the organization. The organization must be classified as an HR Organization to assign employees.

HR_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION – Stores the classification and the business group details. ORGANIZATION_ID is linked with HR_ALL_ORGANIZATION_UNITS.ORGANIZATION_ID

Navigation: Work Structures --> Job --> Description
An employee’s primary role is set up using a job. It is a generic role within the business group that is independent of the organization. E.g. manager job can be present in any organizations.
Job Name is a key flexfield. Each job is held in a job group. A job group stores the jobs of similar types. All the jobs defined in HRMS for employees must be a part of the default HR 

Job Group.
Job Group Navigation: Work Structures --> Job --> Job Group

PER_JOB_DEFINITIONS – Stores the segment of the KFF. This is linked to fnd tables  that store the KFF structure details.

Navigation: Work Structures --> Position --> Description
Position is a specific occurrence of a job. Position is fixed within an organization. E.g. Sales Manager is an occurrence of the job Manager in the Sales Organization. Similarly, HR Manager will be one more occurrence of the same job in the HR Organization. There could be one or many holders of the position in an organization. This is a key flexfield.
A Position is defined for an Organization and a Job. Positions data is date tracked.

Navigation: Work Structures --> Grade --> Description
Grades are used to decide the relative status of employee assignments. Compensation and Benefits are also decided based on the grades. E.g. Salary, company cell phone, company car – decided based on the grades. This is a key flexfield.
Valid grades could be defined for a job or for a position. A grade could be a valid grade either for a job or for a position. A single grade cannot be valid one for both a job and a position.

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