Query for to get PO Headers total Amount

Query for to get PO Headers total Amount, AskHareesh Blog for Oracle Apps

Query for to get PO Headers total Amount

select      pha.segment1 po_num,
            sum ( (pla.unit_price * pla.quantity)) price  
from        po_lines_all pla, 
            po_headers_all pha  
where       pla.po_header_id = pha.po_header_id  
and         pha.type_lookup_code in ('STANDARD', 'BLANKET')   --Add as per your requirement  
--and     pha.segment1 = '506'  
--and     pha.org_id = 204        --Use when you have multiple OU  
group by   pha.segment1


  1. Hi dear so actually i want a query for total release amount in blank purchase agreement so could you please help me out of this anyone know how to write a query to "TotalRelaseamount". Please anyone

  2. For service item if qty is not mentioned, it is considering as 0 and Po value is coming as 0 in the output
