Suppliers Added to Trading Community Architecture : AP Module 12 Release New Features

Suppliers Added to Trading Community Architecture: AP Module 12 Release New Features, askhareesh blog for Oracle Applications

Suppliers Added to Trading Community Architecture

In Release 12, Suppliers are defined as Trading Community Architecture (TCA) parties. During the upgrade, TCA party records are created and updated for all suppliers, they are linked back to their records in the supplier entities and the payment and banking details are migrated into the Oracle Payments data model. The supplier, supplier site, and supplier contacts tables are obsolete and replaced with views that join information from the old tables with information in TCA.

TCA Party Creation for Suppliers

During the upgrade, Oracle Payables creates new parties in TCA for all suppliers that do not have existing party information. The parties are created with a party usage of supplier. Country and address information is required for parties in the TCA data model, so if there is no country or address line 1 specified for a supplier site, Oracle Payables derives the country based on the most frequently used operating unit of the supplier's historical transactions. E-Business Tax uses the country information when you elect to calculate tax based on ship-from or bill-from location criteria. Please confirm your setup of parties before you elect to use this E-Business Tax feature.

Also during the upgrade, Oracle Payables reviews the supplier sites and determines duplicates, based on the supplier, address, city, county, province, state, country, zip and language. Oracle Payables then creates only one Party Site for each distinct supplier site address.

Suppliers created using Oracle Trade Management, Oracle Transportation Management, and Oracle iSupplier Portal have existing party information. During the upgrade, Oracle Payables updates the existing party in TCA with the Taxpayer ID from the supplier record, if it is different from the one in TCA.

TCA Party Creation for Employees

In prior releases, employees were defined and linked to a supplier record in order for Oracle Payables to create payments for their expense reports. Employees defined in Oracle Human Resources and associated with an Oracle Payables supplier record have existing party information. During the upgrade, Oracle Payables updates the existing party information to have a party usage of supplier. Oracle Payables does not migrate the employee address to the party site in TCA, they remain in Oracle Human Resources for data security reasons.

Migration of Other Supplier Attributes

In Release 11i, you could record the relationship between a franchise or subsidiary and its parent company by recording a value for the Parent Supplier field in the Suppliers window. During the Release 12 upgrade, this information is migrated into the party relationships model of TCA. 

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