Oracle Receivables Module Technical Details

Oracle Receivables Module Technical Details,
Oracle Accounts Receivable uses the following tables for recording customer account information:

Party and Customer Tables
Transaction Tables

HZ_PARTIES: A party is an entity that can enter into a business relationship.
This table stores basic information about parties, which is true regardless of this relationship to the deploying company. Entities are modeled only once in HZ_PARTIES, regardless of how many roles they play. For example, if an organization is a customer, a distributor, and a partner, there is still only one record for them in HZ_PARTIES.

Parties can be one of four types:
Organization - Oracle Corporation
Person - Jane Doe
Group – Doc Household
Relationship - Jane Doe at Oracle Corporation

HZ_LOCATIONS: A location is a point in geographical space described by an address and/or geographical Indicators such as latitude or longitude.
• This table stores information about an address such as: street address and postal code.
• This table provides physical location information about parties (organizations and people) and customer accounts.
• Records in HZ_LOCATIONS can store delivery and postal code information about a location, store latitude and longitude, and can be used to determine the appropriate calculations and tax rates for sales tax and VAT calculations.

HZ_PARTY_SITES: This table links a party (HZ_PARTIES) and a location (HZ_LOCATIONS) and stores location-Specific party information such as a person’s mail stops at their work address.
• One party can point to one or more party sites.
• One location can point to one or more party site.
• Party sites serve as the intersection between parties and locations, allowing for a many-to-many relationship between the two.

HZ_RELATIONSHIPS: This table stores information about relationships between two entities, for example, one party and another party.
• The SUBJECT_ID and OBJECT_ID columns specify the relationship that exists between two parties. For example, if the party relationship type is “Parent Of,” then a holding company could be the “SUBJECT_ID” in the relationship while one of its subsidiaries could be the OBJECT_ID. Creating a party contact causes a party relationship to be created.
• A party can have different relationships with one or more other parties that can change over time.

HZ_ORGANIZATION_PROFILES: This table stores a variety of information about a party of type Organization.
• This table gets populated when a party of type ORGANIZATION is created.
• Historical data is also stored in this table.

HZ_PERSON_PROFILES: This table stores a variety of information about a party of type Person.
• For example, this table could contain the correct spelling and phonetic pronunciation of the person’s name.
• Some information in this table may also be entered into the HZ_PARTIES table.

HZ_ORG_CONTACTS: This table stores a variety of information about an organization contact.
• The records in this table provide information about a contact position such as job title, rank, and department.
• This table is not used to store information about a specific person or organization. For example, this table may include a record for the position of Vice President of Manufacturing that indicates that the contact is a senior executive, but it would not include the name of the person in that position.

HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS: This table stores information about customer/financial relationships established between a Party and the deploying company.
• Because a party can have multiple customer accounts, this table may contain several records for a single party. For example, an individual person may establish a personal account, a family account, and a professional account for a consulting practice.

HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL: This table stores information about customer/financial account sites information.
Stores information about customer sites. One customer account can have multiple sites.

HZ_CUST_SITE_USES_ALL: This table stores information about the business purposes assigned to a customer account site.
• A customer account site can have multiple purposes, but each record in this table only specifies one purpose for a customer account site. For example, a customer account site may be assigned as a ship-to site in one record and as a bill-to site in another record.

HZ_CUST_ACCOUNT_ROLES: This table stores information about a role or function that a party performs as related to a customer account. For example, Jane Doe might be the Legal Contact for a specific customer account of Corporation ABC. Note that account ownership such as financial responsibility for an account is determined by the single party ID that is stored directly on the HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS table.

HZ_CONTACT_POINTS: This table stores information about how to communicate with parties or party sites using electronic media or methods such as Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), e-mail, telephone, telex, and the Internet.
• Each medium or method should be stored as a separate method in this table. For example, the attributes of a complete telephone number connection should be stored in a record, while EDI information should be stored in a different record.

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